Wednesday 1 October 2008

YWAM @ Holmsted....

Hey everyone...

Well this is my very first blog and trial run, so hopefully everything will go well. :) I have officially been in England for 2 weeks today now, and that's pretty scary. Some days it feels like I have been here forever... and other days it only feels like a very short time. I half-expect to wake-up one morning and find that I'm on a camp and anyday now I'll be heading home. But that's not the case... Holmsted is going to be home for the next 5 months, and I couldn't ask for anything better.
Just to give you a run-down on what Holmsted is exactly... its a massive manor set on about 17 acres of beautiful southern England countryside. There are about 50 people living here, including 3 or so families. So "alone time" is rare... :)

My day starts at around 7:30 am with breakfast, then it's pretty full-on all day with classes, community care (aka chores) and then small groups and socializing etc etc... so yeah, sleep has not been high on my priority list but I think that will have to change soon to prevent burnout. It's quite funny seeing everyone else in the same boat though... people falling asleep during "coffee break" presents a perfect photo opportunity.

This week we have been focusing on the "Father heart of God" which has been amazing, and has taught me a lot. Luke 15:11-31 was the main passage we looked at yesterday, and an age-old parable can still teach me so much, despite having known it most of my life.

1 comment:

Eagle said...

Hey Lauren! Sounds like you're having a pretty amazing time over there! Really like the background you've chosen for your blog... I was actually rather're the first person, whose blog I've seen, who's used the exact same background template as Hope you can catch up on your sleep. Some people say sleep's over-rated. I would have to disagree and say it's extremely important! Glad to hear you're learning heaps from the Bible too! I'm hoping to do some Bible college next year, and I can't wait till that, hopefully, begins!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in Pommy God bless! Stephen